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My Last Day at

Posted on:March 12, 2021 at 03:00 PM

12 March 2021 marks my last day at It has been quite a journey, an experience that I am glad to be part of. is my first company after I graduated from university. I still remember the day that I got the offer, I am not sure whether I will do well in the role (Cloud Engineer) because I have little to no experience in the cloud during my time at the university. Despite that, the Hiring Manager, Rycque allow me to be part of the team. I am truly grateful for the opportunity, thrilled and worried too because I am doing something that I have never done before.

The first three months is the most challenging time for me. Sometimes I just felt like I want to quit and call it a day. As a fresh graduate, it is typical thing to have something called Impostor Syndrome. Because of this, I felt that even after finishing my task, I am never good enough for the company. However, the support that I get from the seniors is unreal. I honestly can’t count how many times I have had a personal talk session with some of the seniors in the company about this topic. Their words are not just comforting but also reassuring that I am fit for the job and I can excel in it.

After I get more comfortable and confident with my role, I started to receive more opportunities to get involved in projects with external clients. The challenges that were given have kept me going and keep me excited on the next path of the unknown. Despite worrying, it became more like a challenge when I get to do something that is totally new. The key is to try it, implement it, understand it, and asked good questions if you hit the wall. With this formula in my hand and the support that I get from the company, I manage to become a better employee.

Nevertheless, if anyone ever comes to me and asked whether I will recommend as their next company, especially for fresh graduates, my answer will always be YES! This is the company that has taken me from the ground up and helped me to walk and run. It opened up my perspective and challenge me daily.

With that said I will end this with one of my favorite pantun:-

Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh hamba menumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
Boleh kita berjumpa lagi..